jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

What about parkour?

By Echànove Rodriguez Carlos (author of the theme) and Delgado Ceballos Ana Melissa

Most of the time we don`t have time to know more about something else, in this case about PARKOUR. Our goal is to induce peolpe to know more about parkour.
It`s based in the natural method that includes 9 points: strenght, balance, speed, flexibility, enduring, resistence, nimble, skillfull, gymnastics, the motto is "be strong to be usefull".
It started as a method of military training proposed by Georges Hebert, he created the natural method, but he is not the one that made the parkour a sport, the responsible of that is David Belle (his son). Parkour is an art in which you must give your 100%, it helps to make you strong  not only phisically, also mentally.

We asked 30 people including partners, teachers so that we could know if they knew about parkour...the results were:
22 didn`t know anything about it
7 had an idea, but not clearly (they answered: "a sport in which people jumps buildings").
Just 1 of them  knew what was parkour. 
We`ll help you (just carlos because melissa doesn`t know) to  be a traceur, giving you some tutorials, and we would be very grateful with you if you can help us in something, following this rules and keeping in mind this goals, and all this stuff, you can transmit this knowledge, and in that way helping people to jump in "free style" his problems, and show this amaizing sport named parkour.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Dead´s day

Well, during dead´s day I learned how to turn a pumpkin or a "chilacayote" into an scary face with a candle inside of it, it was really disgusting and a little bit hard the part of taking out the stuff inside the pumpkin, it took about one or two hours that part, then you had to draw a  face on the pumpkin (it could be funny or scary), so you can cut it, then you had to draw and cut a little circle under it so the candle can get into it, the last part of it was decorating and that kind of stuff...
I also saw some costumes really freak, I saw a guy dressed like a girl, another one was an egg, darth veider, a mime, a bag of takis, and many others. The drawings on the floor were nice (I almost fall down over one of them). I think it was a nice day.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Soap operas...funny or boring?

Why did I choose this theme? It´s easy... I chose it because many people in Mexico like to watch soap operas. (I´m not one of those).

What I found at Internet is:
The term "soap opera" was coined by the American press in the 1930s to denote the extraordinarily popular genre of serialized domestic radio dramas, which, by 1940, represented some 90% of all commercially-sponsored daytime broadcast hours. A serial narrative is a story told through a series of individual, narratively linked installments. Unlike episodic television programs, in which there is no narrative linkage between episodes and each episode tells a more or less self-contained story, the viewer's understanding of and pleasure in any given serial installment is predicated, to some degree, upon his or her knowledge of what has happened in previous episodes.

My opinion about soap operas is...
First of all I don´t like them, because I think they´re overacted and don´t have any sense of reality; all the soap operas at list here in Mexico are the same than the previous one (the story is the same, they just change the names of  the characters, a few parts of rhe climax and that´s all, they have a "new" soap opera).

Soap operas are aspirational, what does it mean? It means that if in the story the main character is an ugly man, he will become handsome, the satupid one will become intelligent, the poor one rich and so on...

Even the names of the characters are really "uncommon" for example: "Santa Maria Teresa de la Rosa Fernandez Pablo de la Santa Trinidad Ruiz y Perez", just IMAGINE!
Dialogues are also false... -Santa Maria Teresa de la Rosa... I need to confess you something- what happens Fernando Juarez  de la O...?- It´s just that... I am your father- Nooo! this must be a mistake...- No, Santa Maria Teresa, it´s true...
Here in Mexico a soap opera called LA ROSA DE GUADALUPE is about  stories of love, heartbreak, hope, struggle and intrigue, which will address issues such as prostitution, domestic violence, substance abuse, among many others; it´s supposed that the virgin, based on people´s faith, acomplishes miracles. I think it is the most "strange and stupid" soap opera ever because sometimes miracles are really unrealistic.
Mexico is one of the countries that have more soap operas, some of them are:

  • "Abrázame Muy Fuerte"

  • "Alborada"

  • "Al Diablo con los Guapos"

  • "Alegrijes y Rebujos"

  • "Alma de Hierro"

  • "Amar Sin Límites"

  • "Amarte es mi Pecado"

  • "Amigas y Rivales"

  • "Amigos Para Siempre"

  • What I conclude is that:
    1. All the soap operas have the same story, the differences between one and other are the names of the characters, and some parts of the climax. 
    2. They are unrealistic, nothing is true.
    3. Are just for entertainment, (when you don´t have anything else to do, I recommend you to see them, they will make you laugh).


    domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

    The first post...

    Well, this is the first blog I create so I´m not really sure what I´m doing in this moment, where will this post appear, or who will read it...
    This blog is for school, here I´ll expose themes and works, I´ll talk about things that happen everyday giving my opinion about them.